تمطر: (tamtir)Rain

The sound of rain needs no translation- Alan Watts

Nicosia, Cyprus

Waterfalls of rain pour off the roof of the Dignity Center. Only volunteers are allowed inside. How is everyone outside keeping dry?

On my way into old town this morning, I saw a line of taxis getting sprayed with disinfectant. The Greek and Turkish sides of Cyprus have announced that non-essential business must stop.

The Dignity Center is deemed non-essential.

The food stamps office is deemed non-essential.

The offices processing applications for refugee status is deemed non-essential.

And so thousands are left out in the rain, unsure of where to go or how to be recognized.

When it rains, it pours I guess.

Many of the volunteers can’t go home because their borders are closed.

My thoughts have not reached as far as Canada yet, because there is still so much to do here. How long will this last?

In the mean time we clean, organize supplies, disinfect, read the news, give out basic supplies, disinfect, and wait for the storm to end

Gratitude to the Omàmìwininìwag (Algonquin) and Anishinabewaki, the original
stewards of the land where I came into being.

Myrah Graham – Copyright © 2023