• تمطر: (tamtir)Rain

    تمطر: (tamtir)Rain

    Nicosia, Cyprus Waterfalls of rain pour off the roof of the Dignity Center. Only volunteers are allowed inside. How is everyone outside keeping dry? On my way into old town this morning, I saw a line of taxis getting sprayed with disinfectant. The Greek and Turkish sides of Cyprus have announced that non-essential business must…

  • الضغط (aldaght); Press

    الضغط (aldaght); Press

    Nicosia, Cyprus I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home I can’t go home “Let’s take your day off to think about it.” Chance is calm and…

  • سقف Roof (Saqf)

    سقف Roof (Saqf)

    The sky’s the limit if you have a roof over your head -Sol Hurok Nicosia, Cyprus BASEMENT It is 8am and we are handing out tickets for our limited seating breakfast. Men jostle and soon we are at capacity. We close our doors to imploring or frustrated glares in order to set the tables with…

  • شاطئ; Shore (Shati)

    شاطئ; Shore (Shati)

    There is a sea of consciousness that is universal, even though we each perceive it from our own shores – Alberto Villoldo Nicosia, Cyprus Our portal onto Cyprus was through the Taşucu port. On the other side of an 8 hour night time boat ride would be the Turkish territory of Cyprus. From there, we…

Gratitude to the Omàmìwininìwag (Algonquin) and Anishinabewaki, the original
stewards of the land where I came into being.

Myrah Graham – Copyright © 2023